My day in Charlottesville

TJ and I left Huntersville at 6:30 for C-Ville. We made great time, stopped in Thomasville where I introduced TJ to Biscuitville.
We arrived at the hospital at 11:15 am. We proceeded to the waiting room. Tom, Jr. - Robert;s older brother was there and gave us a rundown. At moment, Bob Curtis and Mike Murray, who had spent the last two nights at the hospital with Jude, were taking Robert and Chantal on a walk, talking about the day and the time ahead. Friday was setup to be a very challenging day. Our Christian community owes a prayer of thanks to Bob for having the courage to speak some hard but necessary truth into Robert's life at this time.
TJ and I spent the next three hours at the hospital, with the friends and family. Robert and Chantal were is a consultation with the doctors, and some qualified counselors from Trinity. We saw them around two as they announced that the doctors would be bringing Jude off the ventilator at around 4pm. He would either live, live for a while then die or die almost immediately. Robert almost commented at breathing on his own was not enough, that he needed much more of miracle than that.
TJ and I cleared out the hospital for an hour our so, walking the grounds, eventually ending up on the south portico of the Rotunda. We stopped here, in a hallowed place of beauty, to prayer and put Jude's life over the next few hours into God's hands. We wander over the Chapel as a place to reflect and regroup.
We arrived back at the hospital by 3:15 and returned to the waiting area. By now, more friends and elders from Trinity had arrived. A decision that we would gather at in the chapel downstairs at 4 to pray was made. We had this unbelievable service. Tony Giles led it, with TJ led us in music. I know the Holy spirit was in the room. I had the unmistakable sense that we were praying and singing Jude into heaven at that time. 30 people , gathered for one purpose and one goal.
At 5:05, Tom, Sr walked into the chapel at the hospital to announce that Jude had died. For a man that is reserved and stoic, as he announced that his grandson had died, this torrent of emotions came out that I will never forget. I imagine that was the first time that he had to say out loud to anyone that Jude was gone. I shall never forget that moment.
Some of us stayed to pray for the family at this moment. The weight of the situation was present for all. TJ and I helped clear the chapel and then we returned to waiting room.
Shortly thereafter, Robert and Chantal walked into the waiting room. At this point, they decided they needed to get out of the room with Jude. The discomfort of being in the room with them as they began the grieving process was palpable. They called her brother which was difficult to hear.
Chantal started to wail, a set to tears and emotion that I will never know. It was mother, hoping for a miracle, beginning to deal with the overwhelming grief at its onset. Then a God thing happened. Elizabeth, a mature women who had lost a 8.5 year old daughter 24 years ago, was there for Chantal and spoke some amazing words into her life. She has come alongside her this week and will come alongside her to walk the first of some many steps through a dark process.
Robert and Chantal left at this point; TJ and I had the privilege of helping Elizabeth take Jenna out to her car and strapping the baby into the car. I had not held a child that young since Huck was so young. This woman is simply amazing.
TJ and I hung around the hospital over the next few hours (along with Justin and his wife) to simply help. TJ and I has the chance to see Jude's body; he was so peaceful. I was expecting to him to arise at any moment. Under his arm was a Larry Boy plush, like that one in my son Huck's room. Oh, Huck and Jude would have just turn a house upside down. Now they will have to wait till heaven ....
We helped Tom, JR empty the hospital room. The remainder of the Gilliams were around his body, beginning the process of grieving. Oh, how we must pray for them.
As we left the hospital for the last time, we headed to the Corner, We round the corner of the building and there was this massive rainbow, as God welcomed a little saint into his arms. What an amazing sight. We had dinner at the College Inn, feeling so old. Brian Broadway met us there. He had come up, intending to join us for the overnight duty with Jude that evening. We had a wonderful time just being friends. I have been blown away, amazed by the response of His community and Robert's friends. Double, thanks for paying for dinner and it was awesome to just see you.
TJ and I finally made out to the Turner's. David and Ellen were at the Gilliam's and rrived later. As group, we were all just worn.
This morning, Ellen read aloud an email that Connally, his sister who is a writer, had penned sometime over night to the close friends of their family. Oh my, it was to hear and it must of been so hard to write.
We must pray for:
- Chantal, as she walks through this process
- Robert and his marriage
- Their kids, especially Jenna who is so young
- The remaining Gilliams
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